What You Should Know About CPNI

Mar 26, 2024

What is CPNI?

Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) refers to the data collected by telecommunications companies regarding a customer’s telephone calls. This data includes information such as the duration, time, destination number, and type of network a customer subscribes to, which can be found on their telephone bill.

In addition, CPNI may also encompass account details such as the number of lines used. It’s essential to note that privacy rules apply mainly to identifiable CPNI, meaning data that can be linked or connected to a specific person through other information, such as a wireless phone number, email address, or account number. While sensitive data, like a customer’s Social Security Number or credit card information is not classified as CPNI.

Customer service agents working for telephone companies must receive verification of customer authentication and receive explicit customer consent before accessing billing information or using CPNI data for any purpose, including service or account changes. The process of verifying authorized users takes place at the beginning of every call between the telecommunications service provider and the customer where CPNI data may be exchanged.

How does VIP handle CPNI?

VIP Technology Solutions Group and VIP Voice Services do not sell or distribute any of your information to any third parties. We handle CPNI in accordance with FCC requirements, which you can learn more about directly from their website: www.fcc.gov.


CPNI registration is a vital process that helps ensure the protection and privacy of your company’s sensitive data through registering authorized account representatives. As a user of telecommunication services, it is essential to be aware of CPNI regulations and choose service providers who prioritize the protection of your data.

If you would like to read more about why this information has been required by the FCC, please visit www.fcc.gov.

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